Parent's Portal

Parent's Portal






Parent's Responsibilities

We are open Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 6:00pm. We will be closed with pay all major holidays, which include: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. We close early on New Year’s Eve and Christmas Eve. If more than 75% of our enrolled families are planning to be out the day after Thanksgiving, we will also close. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, we will be closed the Friday before and if it falls on a Sunday, we will be closed the Monday after.

We offer only full-time care but will take drop-ins if we have openings. With full time care your spot is available for your child during all open times. We will need a schedule so we can staff appropriately for each classroom. These rates are subject to an annual increase that will be posted 30 days prior to occurring. Please call for current rates.

Little Explorers Child Care Center accepts payments by check or credit/debit card. Payment is due on Monday of each week. If tuition is not paid by Tuesday at closing time, a $10.00 late fee will be charged to your account on Wednesday. An additional $5.00 per day will be added until paid. Children with a past due balance will not be allowed to attend the following Monday unless the past due balance is paid in full. No account will be held for more than one week. We do not carry balances. Payments may be paid bi-weekly or monthly if tuition is paid for in advance. If for any reason you decide to withdraw your child from our center, a two-week written notice is required. If a check is returned to us for any reason, a $25.00 fee will automatically be charged to your account.

Communication is extremely important to us. When we accept a new family into our center, we want you to know you can openly share any concerns, questions, feedback, and discussions of any kind. Sensitive issues are discussed in private and can be discussed in the director’s office by appointment. If you have schedule changes, pick up changes, or any other information or questions you may message your child’s teachers anytime during daytime hours through the Procare App or by calling the center’s phone. Parents of enrolled children may visit the center any time during the hours of operation. If you would like to view a copy of our Child Care Program Plan you may request one from the director.

There are no adjustments made to your bill for your time missed due to illness, holidays, vacations, or other days off. A place has been reserved for your child that cannot be filled on a short-term basis. Please notify Little Explorers Child Care Center if your child will not be at the center as soon as possible so we are prepared for meal counts.

Upon arrival, it is the responsibility of the adult dropping off the child to check-in the child and walk them to their classroom. Children are not to be dropped off in the parking lot and to enter unescorted. It is our center’s policy that children are to be supervised by an adult at all times inside and outside the center. This means a child should never leave the building without an adult.

Little Explorers Child Care Center closes at 6:00p.m. daily. Please make sure you arrive several minutes prior to this time to pick your child up and gather their things. At closing time of the center, if no one has picked up a child, staff will attempt to call the parent/guardian. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached, emergency contacts on the emergency card will be contacted. After 15 minutes of no contact, you will also be charged a late pick-up fee of $30 per child. If unable to reach those contacts within one hour of the center closing, the police will be called. Staff will NOT transport the child. If the police take the child, a note will be left on the center door for the parent/guardian informing them of the situation and a phone number to call. Repeated late pickups are grounds for termination.

Our center will provide breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack. The meal fees are included in tuition fees. 


Our mealtimes vary between classrooms but are served between these times:

Breakfast: 7:45 AM – 8:30 AM
Lunch: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Snack: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Parent's Software


Photo Release Form

Infant Feeding Plan

Immunization Form

Health Care Summary

Employment Application

Child Enrollment Papers

Medication Authorization

Procare Registration

Procare Log in